Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection

In this lesson, we include both the death and resurrection of Jesus on Good Friday because we do not want children thinking that Jesus’ death is the end of the story and that all hope is gone, but rather a key piece of the entire story of Jesus and that Jesus rising from the dead restores that hope and should impact our lives everyday.

This allows you to help focus and prepare for the celebration that you as a family will have on Sunday morning when you focus on the empty tomb. It can also help your child stay engaged to Pastor John’s message on Sunday as several of the points may be similar helping you continue, and re-enforce, the conversation about the importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

The lesson for children on Sunday and Monday will focus on Jesus appearing to people, proving that Jesus truly did rise from the dead.

Bible Story / Lesson Video (16:38)

Discuss the lesson as a family. Things you can discuss:

How Jesus prayed for strength when He knew a difficult time was coming.

Why Jesus died on the cross and the symbolism of the curtain being torn in two.

Questions from Kids (2:14)
Why does it matter that Jesus is alive?

Discuss the question from Pastor Brian as a family, and then have a time of prayer with your family encouraging each family member to take a time to pray.

Contact Pastor Bill if you are interested in the activity sheets to go with the lesson. (These were included in the email sent to families)