Four weeks ago, as we “moved into” the upstairs (Worship Center, game floor, fellowship hall, etc), I took a video of the basement and cast a vision for what it would look like.
Below is the “raw” video tour of the basement of the facility I took :
For a comparison, here is a video I took Saturday night, the evening before we used the basement for the first Sunday:
When I posted the original video, I stated that I envisioned a warm, welcoming environment that will engage children, youth and adults that is also multi-use friendly. From the reaction of all who have seen it, I believe that vision has been achieved thanks to many who saw my vision through and made it a reality.
From the “Discovery Woods” to the “Cafe” and all of the areas and surprises to come, I see God using this area in an awesome way to reach and disciple many for Him.
Please share your thoughts about this new space for everyone…