new_years_resolution_paperResolutions. That’s a big word that means being determined to do something. People usually make resolutions when a new year begins. That seems like a good time to change things in your life.

Here’s another big word, Repent. Repent is when you turn around and stop doing what you were doing and doing something different. It kind of sounds like making a resolution doesn’t it? Resolving to change and do something different.

When we believe that Jesus died for our sins (our disobedience to God), then one of the next steps is to repent of our sins and change and begin to follow Jesus and obey Him.

2 Corinthians 5:17 reads, “Therefore, if anyone is  in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (ESV)

When we become a follower of Jesus, we are brand new!!! Our old nature is gone and our life in Jesus begins. In fact, baptism is a “picture” of that. Romans 6:3 & 4 tells us that, “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” (ESV)

Have you made any resolutions? I hope you know Jesus and have resolved to follow Him.


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