John 3:16The verse to focus on this week is John 3:16,

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

This is a common verse for many people, but some still do not know it. It is so common that even atheists, those who do not believe that there is a god, can often recite this verse! That is why we need to understand it and be able to explain why it is important to us, and not just be able to recite it.

This verse goes back to the book of Genesis. God created man and had fellowship with him. God and man were close; however, just like in our human relationships, things can happen that can cause division between to people, ending that closeness. That is what happened with God and man. Man disobeyed God, his Creator and then when man realized the wrong he had done, he hid, shifted blame and tried to deceive God. This caused a separation between God and man that would last for hundreds and thousands of years as we keep time. Even with that separation and man turning away from God, God wanted to restore that fellowship even though man did not deserve it. So God sent His Son, Jesus, so that we would not have to be separated from God forever. He loved the world, mankind, that much to make a huge sacrifice for us. Emphasize that God not only loves the whole world, that he loves them individually, not as a group, but He knows and loves each and every one of us individually. That is amazing!!!

Discussion Questions:

  • Why does God love the world so much?

    God created the world and man was created in God’s image. God desires fellowship, a relationship, with His creation

  • Who Is God’s Son?

    God’s Son is Jesus

  • What does it mean to believe in Jesus?

    That Jesus is God in the form of a man who came to Earth to be the perfect, final, sacrifice (connect it to the Old Testament sacrifices is applicable in your discussion) for us so that we can once again have that relationship with God that man once had with God. Reference the heart of the Gospel found in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

  • What relationship on Earth is designed to be a picture of our relationship with God?

    A father/son relationship
    While in today’s culture, there is not always a father figure in a child’s life, or the father may not be a good example of God. You can still use this to connect the healthy relationship of a male father figure in their life or how they envision a “perfect” father/son relationship should be.

End in prayer thanking God for sending His Son and that He loves us so much. Seek to see if they believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He came to be the sacrifice for us, for them personally.


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