Forgiveness is central to the Gospel.

Without Jesus dying on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, there is no permanent solution for our sin. Even as Jesus was in excruciating pain, fighting for every breath, He found time to forgive those who put him on the cross. In Luke 23:34a we read,

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.” ….”

Could you have forgiven the people who persecuted you and put you on a cross? We have difficulty forgiving people who simply speak poorly of us!

Jesus knew His purpose. He knew man’s heart. He knew what was going to happen and He was willing to forgive them, even when they did not seek forgiveness. Forgiveness is not about the other person…. it is about us and how we view others, and how we follow Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  • Is it easy to forgive someone who hurts us, whether physically, or with the things they say?
  • If Jesus, God, can forgive the people who beat Jesus and put Him on the cross, then do you believe that God can forgive us of the things that we do?
  • Talk about a time that you had to forgive someone (as appropriate).
  • Talk about a time that you had to ask forgiveness for something that you did, as appropriate. Did the person forgive you? Did God forgive you? Did you forgive yourself?

End in prayer asking God to help you forgive others, and for God to forgive you of your sins.

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