As Jesus hung on the cross, he uttered these seven sayings…

  • “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing .” – Luke 23:34
  • “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” — Luke 23:43
  • “Woman, here is your son.” — John 19:26
  • “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” — Mark 15:34
  • “I’m thirsty.” — John 19:28
  • “It is finished.” — John 19:30
  • “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” — Luke 23:46

As we think about Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday, take a moment to focus on one or more of Jesus’ final statements on the cross. Below are brief thoughts on each statement;

Luke 23:34 – Father, forgive them…., was discussed here…

Luke 23:43 – One of the men hanging on a cross next to Jesus mocks Jesus. The other knows that he has done wrong and deserves this punishment, but Jesus does not deserve the punishment. This thief acknowledges Jesus for Who He is, the Son of God. Jesus tells this thief that today he would be with Jesus in paradise. Baptism does not save us. Things that we do do not save us. Saying a special prayer does not save us. Acknowledging Jesus for Who He is does, trusting Jesus. This thief acknowledged Jesus and was saved.

John 19:26 – Jesus was fully human and fully God. Here Jesus shows His compassion on His earthly mother making sure that she is cared for after His death as was the responsibility of the first born son, to care for his mother in her old age.

Mark 15:34 – “Why have you abandoned me?” It is not that God abandoned His Son, but rather that for the first time Jesus bore the sin of the world and faced the separation from God because of that sin. When we sin, we can feel like God abandoned us, when we were the ones who caused that separation.

John 19:28 – “I’m thirsty“. Once again we see Jesus’ humanity. Hanging on a cross in the heat of the day would naturally cause the human body to thirst. Along with showing His humanity, it also fulfills a prophecy

The last two statements show us that Jesus knew His mission and that this part, the hardest part was over. It was finished.

Many things happened upon Jesus’ death, I want to focus on just one. Matthew 27:51 tells us that the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom. This veil was the partition for the Holy of Holies in the temple. By it being torn from top to bottom, it shows that man did not tear it, but God tore it opening up access to God for everyone, not just the high priest. Jesus’ death on the cross removed that separation that sin caused… we need to believe and trust what Jesus did for us.


Discuss one or more statements. Jesus’ death can be difficult for some young children as it can be graphic. Share as appropriate emphasizing that Jesus alone could be the sacrifice for our sin, removing that separation from God, allowing us to have fellowship with Him.

End in prayer seeking to fully understand how Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sin.

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