Therefore we were buried with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in newness of life

Romans chapter 6 is a powerful chapter. Paul begins with the question, shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? In Paul’s day, much like today, people see no harm in continuing to sin because have been forgiven by God’s grace if we believe in Jesus. Paul then asks, how can we who died to sin still live in it?

That is an excellent question!

If we have professed Christ as Savior, then how can we intentionally continue in sin when that sin is what caused Jesus to die on the cross for us.

The short answer is that we can’t, and we should not desire to live in sin if we are following Jesus. In our focal verse, Paul goes on the explain the picture of baptism… the person lays back into the water as if going down into the grave, and then is raised up again in newness of life. Dead to sin… alive to Christ.

When we begin to follow Jesus, we become a new creation, we have new life like the symbolism that we see in the spring.

Discussion Questions

  • What is baptism a picture of? Jesus’ death and resurrection…. how we die to sin and are raised in newness of life
  • If we are following Jesus, then is it okay to continue to sin so that we can more of God’s grace? No
  • What is God’s grace? God giving us something that we do not deserve
  • What do you think it newness of life means? Our old nature is dead and we have begun a new life following Jesus.
  • This is great time to share about Jesus dying on the cross for our sin and seeing if they are ready to follow Jesus if they do not already.

End in prayer thanking God for His grace and for making a way for us to have new life in Him.

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