Why does Paul have to make such a point that we should focus on things that are good? It doesn’t take much to realize that people, though they say they don’t, seek to focus on the negative aspects of life.
Paul writing this is significant because he was sitting in prison as he wrote this letter to the church at Philippi. He was not distraught or complaining about the conditions. He was showing his appreciating and affection for the Philippian believers. It is not a letter correcting poor behavior, rather a letter of encouragement.
Think about the past week. Have you focused more on controversy, the bad things happening around you? Or have you focused more on the things of God, what you read in your Bible, how He has supplied your needs, the Truth of His Word?
Studies have shown that having a positive attitude has many positive benefits; but if you focus on negative things, then people will avoid you and you will not see the good in many things. If we follow Paul’s admonition and focus on things that are true, pure, and worthy of praise; then we will have a better outlook on life. If we focus on the things of God, then we will be drawn closer to God and people will see God through us. In other words, they will see the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.
Discussion Questions
- Be honest. Do you find that you focus more on negative (bad) things, or things of God, things that are good?
- Name some specific things that we should dwell on, or think about.
- Name two things right now that are good and/or you are thankful
End in prayer thanking God for the good thinks that you can think of and ask Him to help you focus on things are that pure and true.