Go FISH!!!!!

Why is it that so often we don’t listen to God? Why do we think that some people don’t deserve to know Him? That was Jonah’s problem, God asked him to tell people to repent and follow God, but Jonah didn’t think they deserved it. So he ran away, but God convinced him to go…

The Top Ten

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 We took a look at Exodus 34 & John 3 as we discussed the “Top Ten”. Yes God gave us the ten commandments and the the Israelites had over 600 other laws to follow! No one could keep that many laws! God gave the “law” so we would know that we…


That’s Not Fair!!

This week in Sparks and T&T Awana we continued the lesson and theme from Sunday morning…. Prove you care about others by letting go of “what’s fair”. Gametime included a game where one side was given an “unfair advantage” over the other to continue with the emphasis for the night and the large group time…