Jesus is Our Greatest Gift
God’s Son, Jesus, was born in Bethlehem.

The birth of Jesus was good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is God’s Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus, the promised Savior, came into the world to show us what God is like and to deliver us from sin and death.
Every person is a sinner, and every person needs to be saved from their sin. We can not take away our sin on our own. God sent Jesus to be born so we could be saved from sin. Jesus is our greatest gift because only He can save us from our sin. His birth is good news because Jesus would go on to live a perfect life, die on the cross for sin, and be raised to life again. Anyone who trusts in Jesus will be saved from sin.
Family Talk Time (Review):
Read Matthew 1:21
Jesus, God’s Son, has always existed. But He came to earth to save people from their sins. During Christmastime, we have many fun activities we can participate in, but the most important reason for celebration is the birth of Jesus. Those who place their faith in Jesus will be saved from their sins.
Jesus’ name means ‘the Lord is salvation,’ and His name is the only One worthy of praise. When we trust in Jesus, we can praise Him for how He saves us from sin and gives us eternal life. And we can share this good news with others so they can be saved and praise His name too.
Why is trusting in Jesus better than any Christmas gift we could receive?
God gives us good gifts and we can enjoy the gift He gives, but Jesus is the greatest gift because only He can save people from their sin. Earthly gifts will not last, but the gift of salvation is forever. Only Jesus can fully satisfy our hearts, and His presence in our lives is our greatest good. Those who trust in Jesus not only receive forgiveness of sins but also eternal life with God.
What did the shepherds do after they heard the good news of Jesus’ birth and saw Him?
The shepherds went and told others the good news, and they praised God for the gift of Jesus’ birth. We can share the good news with others and we should praise God for all He has done.
Who can you share the good news of Jesus’ birth with?
If we are Christians, God has commanded us to share the gospel with other people He places in our lives. Every person needs to hear the gospel because it shares the only way for people to be saved from their sins. God helps His people share about Jesus and that He is glorified when we are obedient to His commands.