Elementary KidzChurch Online This Week
March 23, 2025 – Taking the Land – Joshua 10-11
God fought for Israel, and all their enemies were defeated. Jesus lived a sinless life and defeated our enemies—sin and death—when He died on the cross. If we believe in Him, we receive His righteousness.
Story Point: God fought for Israel.
Key Passage: Psalm 24:8
Who is this King of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty,
the Lord, mighty in battle..
Big Picture Question: Why can we trust God?
We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good.
Family Talk Time (Review):
Read Joshua 10:5 & 8
God had shown the Israelites over and over again that He would be faithful to fight for them. The king of Jerusalem feared the Israelites and gathered other armies to help him fight God’s people. But no matter how many other armies the king gathered, they were no match for God!
Have you ever faced a problem that felt too big to solve?
It doesn’t matter how big or small our challenges are; God is powerful over all circumstances. He has reminded us throughout His Word that He fights our battles. God sent Jesus to have victory over our greatest battle in this world: sin and death. We do not need to be afraid because Jesus has overcome the world!
What does the hail storm and the sun standing still show us about God?
God is Creator and King. Discuss how God made all of creation from nothing, and He has the power to control all that is within it. By sending the storm and causing the sun to stand still, God displayed that there is no greater authority in heaven or on earth than Him. These miraculous events also showed how He used His power for the good of His people as He fought for them.
After God gave His people the land of Canaan, they had rest from war. How does God give us rest??
We have rest from striving to achieve salvation or a right standing with God. Discuss how Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection secured victory over sin and death for all who trust in Him. We can rest in God’s grace as we no longer bear the burden of sin.
What can we do to help us remember God’s goodness and faithfulness to us?
Discuss different ways believers remember God’s goodness, such as taking the Lord’s Supper, keeping a prayer journal, studying the Bible, and meeting with God’s people.