In the elementary Kidz Church this morning, we took a few minutes to talk about Communion (Lord’s Supper) and what the bread and the cup symbolize and that only certain people should do it. Those who are allowed and should participate in taking the bread and the cup are those who believe what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. The bread and the cup remind us of His sacrifice. If we do not believe, then it has no significance.

We then prayed asking God to bless the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes since the children were not in the end of the service when the shoe boxes were dedicated.

We then moved into the Kidmo lesson where the topic was serving God and others. The children were challenged to serve this week. Please help your child find opportunities where they can serve during the week and help them understand what it means to go the second mile. I encourage you to also review the M.A.P. booklet that was given to your child as they left today.

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