Come wearing your pajamas to Awana! We will begin at our usual time of 6:00 pm, but we are asking parents to please pick up your children from Awana at 6:45 pm. Yadah’s Puppets (a ministry of CABC) will be presenting their Christmas Program for Awana and guests. We’d like you to share this experience as a family.

There will be a “milk & cookie” fellowship afterward and each family is asked to bring 2 dozen cookies to share after the presentation.


It is our desire that your child will complete their handbook by the end of the year. We understand that not all children will do it. This was week 9 of 24 and that means that if your child is planning to complete their handbook by the end of the year, then they should be completed:

  • Red Jewel 2 in Sparks
  • Discovery/Challenge 4 section 3 in T&T
  • Cubbies progress through their handbooks together and so if they attend regularly, they will complete their handbook.

We will work with your child to help them try to complete their handbook if they want to reach that goal.

Showing God’s Love this Christmas

During Large Group time for Sparks and T&T last night, we talked about reaching out to the “least of these”. Awana International has a campaign where children can reach children around the world. It is a Christmas Ornament Campaign. Your child colors and ornament (they received a copy when they left last night) and returns it with a donation to Awana International to help them reach children around the world. Please use this as a family activity. You can find out more information by going to Awana International’s web site discussing it and watch a small video discussing it and it’s impact around the world. Please return the ornaments and donations by Sunday Dec. 19th.

Another Way to Share God’s Love

Looking for another way to show God’s love to the “least of these”. Consider Gospel for Asia where you can purchase chickens, pigs, or other practical items to help the hurting in Asia.



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