Kidz Church got off to an amazing start for 2011!!! I plan to provide a post either Monday or Tuesday each week to help you take the Kidz Church (and Awana) lessons forward, thus the name “fast forward”. My prayer is that this will be a tool for you to help disciple your child, and re-enforce the lesson through the week.

Here’s the fast forward for this week…In the Preschool group, they learned about the angels announcing the birth of Jesus to the Shepherds. This week, help your child think of ways that they can tell others about Jesus.

Here are some ideas:

  • wear a shirt with a message about Jesus that others will see
  • tell a relative about Jesus
  • tell a friend about Jesus
  • send someone a card, or call, telling them they prayed for them

The elementary group began the series:

It is a football theme which is great to use during the NFL playoffs leading up to the “Big Game”!

We are learning about Bold Living in the Zone and the emphasis is on the ten commandments.

We started out by using a football uniform and gear to show what we need to live. We need the practice jersey, time reading & studying the Bible and in prayer. We need the pads so when we go against the devil we have protection, a defense against him. We get that by practicing. The team jersey shows that we are on a team, and as followers of Jesus, we are on His team and the “jersey” we wear is people seeing God’s love in us, the fruit we produce in our lives. Finally was the helmet and that is used to protect our minds. We referenced Romans 12:2 as we talked about the helmet and protecting our minds.

The other things we discussed was God’s Playbook. Like a football team has a playbook to keep the team moving in the same direction, God gave us His Word to keep us moving in the right direction. We just need to follow it. We are looking at the top ten plays, the ten commandments.

This week, help them learn to prepare for the battle, help them learn the ten commandments and have them share them with a friend.




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