So you may be asking, what is a widget? It is defined as:

* widg·et wij-it] –noun
1. Something unspecific whose name is either forgotten or not known.
2. A device that is very useful for a particular job
Origin: 1925–30; perhaps an alternative form of gadget

This month the life app is “PEACE” and so the widget for the month to help your children live out this life app (which is also a fruit of the Spirit) is a Solution Spinner!


Got conflict?

Dial up a solution with this month’s widget: the Solution Spinner.

This fun tool gives your kids—and you!—a chance to spin for ideas when conflict arises.

Will the spinner land on “Take a Break,” “Flip for It,” or “Active Listening”?

Six simple strategies will help prove you care more about the other person than winning the argument.

Your child will receive one when they attend KidzChurch. There are a few extras for parents and friends as well – while supplies last  🙂


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