About 11 years ago God began working in my heart and at the time I wasn’t sure what He was preparing me to do for Him. It was later that He showed me that I should be part of a new church that was beginning, Hanover Fellowship, and I saw how He had prepared me for such a time. I knew I was called to serve Hanover Fellowship.

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a time for every season. I see God doing something in my life (like I saw before) and though I cannot say specifically what He is doing, I know that my season at Hanover Fellowship has come to an end. I have shared with Pastor Tom that my last Sunday will be the Family Worship Experience on Sept. 1, 2013.

I leave with no ill feelings. It is difficult leaving the children, youth and many that I have built relationships with over the years, but at the same time, I have a peace and I know that this season of my life has ended, that God is moving me on and preparing me for something new.

I have many great memories and friendships from serving at Hanover Fellowship and I know that God has people in place to continue the work that has been started.  I will work to make it a smooth transition.


Pastor Bill

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