Bible Passage: Jude 3-4,17-25
Main Point: Jude encouraged Christians to stand strong in the faith.

Jude, along with James, was a younger half-brother of Jesus. And like James, it wasn’t until Jesus rose from the dead that Jude believed Jesus was the Son of God. Sometime between AD 65 and AD 80, Jude wrote a short letter to warn believers about false teachers. False teachers had secretly made their way into the church, and Jude urged his readers not to abandon their beliefs but to “contend for the faith” (Jude 3).

Jude wanted them to not only defend the true teachings but also to actively share the gospel. He told his friends to show mercy to those who doubt, to lead others to Jesus, and to hate sin.

There are still false teachers today, and some of them still try to sneak into the church itself. Remind your children that God loves us, and He warns us through Scripture to be on guard. We can study His Word to know what is true, and we can rely on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment.

Such a strong warning about false teachers might be reason for panic among believers, but Jude ended his letter reminding them of God’s promise. Ultimately, Jesus is the One who protects His people from sin. Throughout history, God has been working out His plan to bring a people to Himself. God will keep us, and He calls us to not only remember His truth but to encourage other believers to defend the faith.

As you talk with your kids about this story, emphasize that Jude warned the early Christians that some people would try to divide them by sinning and by teaching things that weren’t true. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life—the One who protects His people from sin. Because of Jesus, we will be able to stand before God with joy.

Check this session’s Activity Page and Big Picture Card as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.

Family Discussion Starters

Preschool (3 years old – K)
* What kind of people did Jude tell believers to look out for?
* How can we know what is true about Jesus?
* Who Protects us from sin?

Early Elementary (1st – 3rd grade)
* How can you tell if something is true or false?
* What is our source to learn what is true about God?
* How should we react when we hear lies about God?

Older Elementary (4th – 6th grade)
* What things might make it hard for believers to stand strong in the faith?
* Who guides us and helps us remember God’s truth?
* What could you do as a family to remember Gd’s truth together?

Family Activity

Play a game where you say statements and children must decide if the statement is true or false. Emphasize that knowing what is true about Jesus is most important.

Teach your children what a concordance is and how to use it to look up what the Bible teaches about different topics. Some Bibles have a small concordance in the back for a reference.

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