As I write this, the Philadelphia Phillies and the New York Yankees are preparing to play in the World Series. Also, in NASCAR, there are teams “Chasing for the Championship”.

Each of the teams participating in this championship run have worked hard with an intentional purpose to get to this level.

In today’s culture, families place a lot of emphasis on the sports that their children participate. This in itself may not be bad, but the question becomes if the sport takes a higher priority than their spiritual growth. Is the sport’s schedule ruling the family life, or is God directing these families?

The teams referenced above have worked intentionally to reach the plateau where they are now. They have both become champions of their respective divisions. Likewise, parents should have an intentional plan to help their children learn the things of God, guiding them to be spiritual champions.

Parents should be working in unison with the church and other strong Christians to raise their children to come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are a single parent, your goal is still the same.  As parents work together with the church, focused on God, then we can have a great impact on the lives of the children. A few years ago, George Barna did research on children’s ministry and published a book based on the results called Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions: Why Children Should Be Your Church’s #1 Priority.
I encourage you to read the book. If you do not want to purchase, then let me know and I can let you borrow a copy.

Children’s ministry is vitally important and it is the parents’ primary role to disciple their children. We want to partner with you, the parent, to help raise your child to be a spiritual champion.


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