Another great evening of VBS! We had 16 tonight (we knew that four that attended Monday would not be able to make it Tuesday) and no one brought a friend so I was “spared” being silly stringed.

The challenge for bringing a friend is still in place and an additional challenge has been issued. If the preschool children memorize Psalm 25:4 (theme verse), then they will be given a can of silly string to spray me and for the elementary aged children, they need to memorize Psalm 25:4 along with the key verses for the lessons from Monday and Tuesday (Matthew 2:2 and 1 Thessalonians 5:18 respective).

On to day 3 of VBS and it looks like I will probably be silly stringed tonight :-/

Friday evening will be family night at VBS. From 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm We will be serving hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill as well have “carnival” style games for the children. Then we will move inside for a family night of VBS. We will sing the songs from the week, watch the “drama”, recap the week and visit our last destination.

David & Karen PorterOur offering is going to support David & Karen Porter who are missionaries in Honduras with World Gospel Outreach reaching out to children there. While we want the children to give as the Lord would lead, we are tracking who gives more, the boys or the girls. If the girls give more to support the Porters, then they will each get a whipped cream pie to put in my face. If the boys give more support, then each boy gets a pie to put in the face of Ms. Peg (my wife). Currently the girls have given more. The “pieing” will take place at the end of the family VBS Friday evening.

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