This Sunday, Dec. 18th, in the elementary KidzChurch, we will be talking about the gift that God gave to us – Jesus. Not just about His birth, but why He came to earth. To be like us, but without sin. To die for us, so we could live.

The preschool will complete the series on Sharing. Remember, Christmas is not just about getting gifts for ourselves.

Let us not get caught up in the trimmings and decorations of the season, but remember that tree decorated in your home symbolizing God’s eternal nature (evergreen), his royalty (tinsel, garland), that He is the Light of the world (all of the lights), and pointing to Heaven would soon be a cross, a symbol of the sacrifice He made for each and everyone one of us, whether we accept it or not.

May we remember the reason He came and share it with others, so that the whole world may hear.


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