Bible Passage: Revelation 2-3
Main Point: Jesus told the seven churches to stand strong in the faith.

The Book of Revelation opens with John’s description of a vision. In the vision, Jesus gave John messages for seven local churches. Jesus told John to write these messages on a scroll and send them to the churches.

In most cases, Jesus commended the church for their good work, warned them about the areas in which they needed correction, and urged them to return to Him. Among other things, He warned the churches not to forget their love of the Lord. He encouraged them not to be afraid of being tested. He urged those who were surrounded by evil to not deny their faith. Each time, Jesus promised to reward those who remain faithful to Him.

The church is made up of people who have trusted in Jesus, who are committed to one another, and who meet together to worship Jesus and share the gospel. Jesus loves the church as His bride. (See Ephesians 5:25-27; Revelation 19:7-9.) Jesus’ message called the churches to turn away from their sin and remain faithful to Him. The Lord is slow to anger (Exodus 34-6-7) and patient, wanting everyone to repent (2 Peter 3:9).

Jesus warned specific churches in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), but the problems they faced can still be found in churches today. Help kids understand some of the problems the early churches faced: They did not love like they should, they believed false teaching and did wrong things, and they were lukewarm—useless to the cause of Christ.

Help your children understand that we can pray for our churches to be faithful, effective instruments in spreading the gospel. We should love the church because Jesus loves the church. Through the church, Jesus helps believers work together to do God’s plan. Finally, Jesus warned believers to stay alert because He will come like a thief when no one is expecting Him. Believers—then and now—must always be ready!

Jesus loves the church. His message to seven local churches called them to turn away from their sin and remain faithful to Him. We can learn from those churches. Through the church, Jesus helps believers work together to do God’s plan.

Check this session’s Activity Page as well as the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.

Family Discussion Starters

Preschool (3 years old – K)
* What were some of Jesus’ messages for the churches?
– What were they doing well?
– What were they doing wrong?
– What did they need to do?
* How can these messages to the churches help us today?
* How does Jesus work through the church to help believers work together to do God’s plan?

Early Elementary (1st – 3rd grade)
* What were some of Jesus’ messages for the churches?
* How are those messages still useful for us today?
* What does it mean to “stand strong in the faith”?

Older Elementary (4th – 6th grade)
* Whose message did John write for the churches?
* Why is the church important?
* How can we be faithful followers of Jesus?

Family Activity

Drive through your community and pray. Stop at various churches and pray for them to be faithful to spread the gospel.

Print pictures of different warning symbols from the internet. Show each one to your family and see if they can guess what the warning is for. Discuss the importance of heeding warnings.

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